Features - V1.0

  • Ground Movement

    • Customizable walk and run speeds

    • Animation curves for speed up, slow down, and turn back

    • Option to control movement with a joystick or arrow keys

    • Smooth transition between walk and run states

  • Crouch Movement

    • Customizable crouch speed

    • Editing collider of the player for crouching

    • Animation curves for speed up, slow down, and turn back

  • Jump Movement

    • Multiple jumps with customizable animations

    • Customizable jump height and duration

    • Animation curves for horizontal movement (xSpeedUpCurve, xSlowDownCurve, xTurnBackCurve)

    • Coyote time and jump buffer timers

  • Land Movement

    • Customizable properties

  • Dash Movement

    • Customizable dash height, speed, and duration

    • Animation curves for dash height and horizontal velocity

    • Dash cooldown timer

  • Wall Movement

    • Wall sliding with customizable speed and curves for speed up, slow down, and turn back

    • Wall grabbing with customizable slow down curve and time

    • Wall climbing with customizable speed and curves for speed up, slow down, and turn back

    • Wall jumping with customizable height, velocity, and horizontal movement properties

    • Stamina management for wall movements, including exhaustion triggers, stamina drain, and stamina regeneration

    • Option to allow or disallow jumping when exhausted

  • Moving and Rotating Platforms (Rigidbody2D Platforms):

    • The system can detect when the player is on a moving platform and adjust the player's velocity accordingly.

    • It ensures that the player stays on the platform as it moves, without any unwanted sliding or falling off.

    • This feature allows for dynamic level design, including conveyor belts, elevators, and other types of moving platforms.

  • Slopes:

    • The player movement system can handle slopes and inclines with ease, allowing the player to smoothly traverse up and down hills in the game environment.

    • It automatically adjusts the player's speed and movement direction based on the angle of the slope, ensuring a natural movement experience.

    • This feature is essential for platformers and other games with varied terrain and elevation changes.

  • Custom Z Rotations (Experimental):

    • The system can handle custom z rotations for game objects, allowing the player to interact with rotating platforms or objects in the game world.

    • It ensures that the player's movement remains consistent and predictable, even when rotating or changing its orientation.

Last updated